Bergische Universität Wuppertal Logo grün

Mit der Bergischen Universität Wuppertal als Projektpartner dokumentieren wir unsere Arbeit in wissenschaftlichen Publikationen, präsentieren und diskutieren unsere Forschung auf internationalen Konferenzen und veröffentlichen die Ergebnisse in Fachzeitschriften. Hier finden Sie eine Liste aller Publikationen, die bisher im Rahmen unseres Projekts veröffentlicht wurden.


Icon Publikation„A convenient infinite dimensional framework for generative adversarial learning“


H. Asatryan, H. Gottschalk, M. Lippert, and M. Rottmann (2020), Xiv:2011.12087



Icon Publikation„Comparing macroscopic first order models of regulated and unregulated road traffic intersections“


Ba I. and Tordeux A. (2021), 30th European Safety and Reliability (ESREL) Conference, 19-23 September 2021, Angers, France




Icon Publikation„Towards NLP-supported Semantic Data Management“


Burgdorf A., Pomp A., Meisen T. (2020), arXiv preprint arXiv:2005.06916



Icon Publikation„Towards NLP-supported Semantic Data Management“


Burgdorf A., Pomp A., Meisen T. (2020), arXiv preprint arXiv:2005.06916



Icon Publikation„Background-foreground segmentation for interior sensing in automotive industry.“


Drygala C., Rottmann M., Gottschalk H., Friedrichs K., Kurbiel T. (2021), arXiv:2109.09410



Icon Publikation„Fit für die Smart City 4.0 – Konzeption eines Evolutionsmodells der partizipativen Smart City zur Evaluation und Erweiterung städtischer Bürger*innenbeteiligung“


Engel A., Loerwald P., Horn G. (2021), Wissenschaftsforum Mobilität at ITS World Congress, 11-15 October 2021, Hamburg, Germany



Icon Publikation„Event-based MIP models for ride-hailing aplications“


Gaul, D., K. Klamroth, and M. Stiglmayr (2021a), European Journal on Operational Research



Icon Publikation„Solving the Dynamic Dial-a-Ride
Problem Using a Rolling-Horizon Event-Based Graph“


Gaul, D., K. Klamroth, and M. Stiglmayr (2021), 21st Symposium on Algorithmic Approaches for Transportation Modelling, Optimization, and Systems, 9-10 September 2021, Lisbon, Portugal, Ed. by Müller-Hannemann M. and Perea F., Vol. 96. Open Access Series in Informatics (OASIcs), Dagstuhl, Germany: Schloss Dagstuhl – Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik, 8:1–8:16




Icon Publikation„Improving FM-GAN through Mixup Manifold Regularization“


Ghorban F., Hasan S, Velten J., and Kummert A. (2021), IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), 22-28 May 2021, Daegu, Korea




Icon Publikation„Comparing rule-based and data-based approaches for lane-change prediction“


Khelfa B. and Tordeux A. (2021a), 30th European Safety and Reliability Conference (ESREL), 19-23 September 2021, Angers, France




Icon Publikation„Lane-changing prediction in highway: Comparing empirically rule-based model MOBIL and a naive Bayes algorithm“


Khelfa B. and Tordeux A. (2021a), IEEE International Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference (ITSC), 19-22 September 2021, Indianapolis, United States, pp. 1598–1603



Icon Publikation„Understanding and predicting overtaking and fold-down lane-changing maneuvers on European highways using naturalistic road user data“


Khelfa B. and Tordeux A. (2021c), IEEE Intelligent Vehicle Conference (IV), 11-17 July 2021, Nagoya, Japan



Icon Publikation„Improving Neural Network Architecture Compression by Multi-Grain Pruning“


Kollek K., Aguilar M. A., Braun M. and Kummert A. (2021), IEEE International
Conference on Progress in Informatics and Computing (PIC), 17-19 December 2021, Online Conference, pp. 6–13



Icon Publikation„Recent Advances and Future Challenges of Semantic Modeling“


Paulus A., Burgdorf A., Pomp A. and Meisen T. (2021a), IEEE 15th International Conference on Semantic Computing (ICSC), 27-29 January 2021, Laguna Hills, United States, pp. 70–75




Icon Publikation„PLASMA: Platform for Auxiliary Semantic Modeling Approaches“


Paulus, A., Burgdorf A., Puleikis L., Langer T., Pomp A., Meisen T. (2021b), 23rd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, 26-28 April 2021, Online Conference




Icon Publikation„A Semantic Data Marketplace for Easy Data Sharing within a Smart City“


Pomp A., Paulus A., Burgdorf A., Meisen T. (2021), 30th ACM International Conference on Information & Knowledge Management, 1-5 November 2021, Online Conference (hosted in Gold Coast, Australia), pp. 4774–4778




Icon Publikation„AI for Future Mobility: What Amount of Willingness to Change Does a Society Need?“


Horn G. and Schönefeld K. (2020), 9th International Conference on Smart Cities and Green ICT Systems, 2-4 May 2020, Online Conference




Icon Publikation„Network Simulation for Pedestrian Flows with HyDEFS“


Klamroth K., Lang B., Seyfried A., Stiglmayr M. (2020), Collective Dynamics 5, pp. 1–16




Icon Publikation„Impact of intelligent agents on the avoidance of spontaneous traffic jams on two-lane motorways“


Malerczyk J., Lerch S., Tibken B., Kummert A. (2020), MATEC Web of Conferences. Vol. 308. EDP Sciences, p. 05003